Thursday, February 3, 2011

Left at the Altar by Kimberley Kennedy

This book, subtitled "My Story of Hope and Healing for Every Woman Who Has Felt the Heartbreak of Rejection" was part memoir, part recovery manual and every bit an encouraging and uplifting read.  Kimberley Kennedy tells her story with honesty, vulnerability and hope.

The book outlines the story that in so many ways, has defined her life.  Engaged to a wonderful man and hours away from beginning her life as his wife, he breaks it off and leaves her heartbroken.  Kennedy shares her heartache but focuses on the way she rediscovered not only her faith, but her loving and personal God. 

This book was interesting and engaging on every level.  Just when it seemed like it was about to get bogged down in a section on advice, the author switched tacks and told another woman's story or shared a Scripture verse that changed her perspective.

I enjoyed this book, even though I didn't feel it spoke to me or my life right now.  If I was currently struggling with rejection I think I would find this book to be life-giving and extremely encouraging.  Whether you are desperate for some hope or just want to be reminded of God's great plans and power in all of our lives, you will enjoy this book!