I was excited when I saw the author of this book as I have always admired and respected her. Joni & Ken: An Untold Love Story by Ken & Joni Eareckson Tada with Larry Libby is my favorite kind of book - a memoir about relationship.
Reading at times like a journal and others as if you are a fly on the wall, this book gives both the broad scope of this couple's story as well as details that make you feel like you are just sitting at the kitchen table over coffee discussing life. There isn't much on their early lives, the story mostly begins when they meet with flashbacks to key events in their childhood and early years.
I enjoyed this story and was encouraged by the commitment this couple has shown to each other, to their ministry and to Christ. Living with quadriplegia, persistent pain and breast cancer and all of the care-taking duties that go along with that cannot be easy and they readily admit that but they also admit that they have learned that in their weaknesses they are strong because of their shared faith.
However, I would have liked more. More details on how they fell in love and their courtship. More insight into their decisions and how that affected their relationship. Maybe more about their families. The book was a quick read and fine as is, but I think it needed more for me to be able to call it an amazing book.
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