Call of a Coward: The God of Moses and the Middle-Class Housewife by Moston is a book written about a family who embarks on what many might say was a crazy idea of serving God. Moston and her husband feel called to Guatemala, specifically to a remote village of Mayan people and they give up everything in their comfortable life to follow that call.
The conditions were difficult and Moston adjusted to life in primitive conditions, a language barrier, differences of culture and sickness. They made new relationships and grew in their faith.
I enjoyed this book and applaud the faith it took to pursue a call out of all that is familiar to a place that is completely foreign with a daily life full of challenges. However, I was expecting to read a book about long-term foreign missionaries. It turns out the Moston family was only in Guatemala a few months before they came back home to America and took on a different kind of mission. I was a bit surprised by how much the book built up their foreign missions trip and then how short it turned out to be.
Even though the book wasn't the story I was expecting, I think that is a good parallel of how life often goes. Our expectations change and our perception of God's calling can change, too. The Moston family was faithful to what they felt they should do and that is the true story of this book.
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