I couldn't quite fit the entire title and author line on my blog post title: Tenacious: How God Used a Terminal Diagnosis to Turn a Family and a Football Team Into Champions by Jeremy and Jennifer Williams with Rob Suggs. But despite the length of the title, it is apt and appropriate.
The book opens with the story of the Williams family's experience with the TV reality show Extreme Makeover: Home Edition and then backtracks and tells the tale of how they got to the point where they were shouting "MOVE THAT BUS!" with their friends, family and neighbors tearfully watching. Not being much of a TV watcher or sports fanatic, I had not heard of the Williams family but I was fascinated by their story.
They are ordinary people who have chosen to follow Christ and make that part of their every day lives, whether that is coaching high school football, dealing with a child with special needs or receiving a devastating diagnosis of ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease) at a fairly young age. The theme of the book is a tenacious faith in God and a tenacious approach to living life like you mean it.
I enjoyed the story quite a bit, but then I always love memoirs. I did find the writing style at times to be a bit "preachy" but from what I gleaned from the book every bit of "preaching" comes from genuine faith so it is hard to fault that much. I thought the book was a very uplifting and positive story, despite the difficult challenges that the authors face. I would recommend this book to anyone looking for a feel-good encouraging story about facing tough times with a good attitude.