A collision of supernatural events and ordinary lives, The Reason, by William Sirls is a story of a small town forever changed by the appearance of an exceptional man and a series of incidents and miracles.
I wasn't sure that I would find this book believable but once I started the story, I found myself drawn to the characters, eagerly turning pages to find out what was going to happen next. This book is very well written and the character development was a big part of what kept me reading and believing the story even though the events at times were somewhat extraordinary. A small core of interconnected characters and story lines is always one of my favorite novel formats.
A series of miraculous happenings in a small town change the lives of those living there including a single mom, a young boy with cancer, a blind pastor and an alcoholic woman. Everyone begins to see an association with a migrant construction worker who keeps showing up and saying cryptic things and these events that keep happening. Some believe he is a prophet and others believe he's a more than that. But whatever the characters choose to believe, none of them can deny that fact that some nearly unbelievable things have been happening in their town. Everything comes together for an exhilarating conclusion.
This book was a great read! I recommend it!